
  • 在高校场景中,由于光猫设备数量众多,一旦有用户误将光猫恢复出厂设置,可能导致上网业务中断,随之而来的维护工作量也会显著增加。为了解决这一问题,客户采用了我们的ITMS管理平台。
  • ITMS平台通过ACS服务,利用TR069协议实现了对光猫设备的智能化集中管理。当检测到光猫被恢复出厂设置或WAN业务异常时,平台会自动重新配置光猫的WAN业务,并统一修改光猫的WiFi名称,确保网络服务的稳定性和连贯性。
  • 此外,ITMS平台在新业务的开展上也展现了强大的自动化部署能力。新光猫接通光纤后,系统会全程自动完成业务配置,无需人工干预,大大提升了施工效率。
  • 通过ITMS平台,用户不仅能有效降低维护成本,还能显著加快施工进度,为高效的校园网络管理提供了强有力的保障。

In campus environments, the large number of ONT devices means that if a user accidentally resets an ONT to its factory settings, it could lead to internet service disruptions and a significant increase in maintenance workload. To address this issue, the customer has adopted our ITMS management platform.

The ITMS platform utilizes ACS services and the TR-069 protocol to achieve intelligent centralized management of ONT devices. When the platform detects that an ONT has been reset to factory settings or that there is an anomaly in the WAN service, it automatically reconfigures the ONT’s WAN service and standardizes the WiFi name, ensuring the stability and continuity of network services.

Moreover, the ITMS platform demonstrates strong automation capabilities in the deployment of new services. Once a new ONT is connected to the optical fiber, the system automatically completes the business configuration without requiring any manual intervention, significantly improving installation efficiency.

With the ITMS platform, users can effectively reduce maintenance costs while significantly accelerating installation processes, providing robust support for efficient campus network management.



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